How do I find relevant Continuing Education topics?


1. Navigate to the Learning Center located in the upper tab

2. On the left-hand side of your screen, filter by credit types, category (specialty & user-type), format, price, and registration status. You also have the ability to type in specific keywords

3. Users can also sort the results by using the "Sort by" feature to sort their results by relevance and event date

4. When you are done, click on "Search"

5. Now you can browse and select relevant courses


  1. Navigate to the Learning Center located in the lower tab
  2. Here you can search for a course by typing in keywords into the "Find a course" bar
  3. Users can also sort the results by using the "Sort by" feature to sort their results by relevance and event date
  4. When you are done, click on "Search"
  5. Now you can browse through the filtered content and topics relevant to your requirements