How do I add a practicing specialty to my account?


  1. Go to the My Profile tab
  2. Select the Board Certification tab
  3. The first question is "Do you have a practicing specialty?"
  4. Select your specialty and click the "Save Information" button to add the specialty to your account. (Your selection will be added to your list of Specialties and the Board Certifications folder in the File Cabinet)


  1. From the Dashboard tab, select your profile icon/photo in the bottom right-hand corner
  2. Tap to the Board Certifications tab (This shows a list of your specialties)
  3. Click on the navy "+" button in the bottom right of the screen to add
  4. The first question listed is "Do you have a practicing specialty?"
  5. Select your specialty and click the "Save Information" button. (Your selection will be added to your list of Specialties and the Board Certifications folder in the File Cabinet)